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International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA)
Central Iowa Chapter
To be the trusted source of BA professional development in Central Iowa through
Improving Educational Offerings
Robust Marketing
Efficient Operations Support
Creation of Next Generation Support
Diverse Membership
Grow Participation
Winning Chapter Awards
2015 Decision Filter: Does this decision drive improvement in the community of practice for the Central Iowa Chapter?
Articles of Organization
IIBA Central Iowa Chapter Bylaws
Chapter/IIBA Affiliation Agreement
The IIBA Central Iowa Chapter (CIC) is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit corporation classified as a "Business League" by the IRS.
The mission of IIBA® is to develop and maintain standards for the practice of business analysis and for the certification of its practitioners. It's vision is to be the leading worldwide professional association for business analysts.
The strategic goals of IIBA are:
Drive awareness of the value and contribution of the role of the business analysis professional.
Formalize and evolve A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® ( BABOK® Guide)
Define a roadmap for professional growth and development
Advance the practices of business analysis
Publicly recognize qualified practitioners through an internationally acknowledged certification program
Provide forums for knowledge sharing
The operational goals of IIBA are:
Enable sustainable growth to support the establishment of IIBA as a worldwide organization
Ensure financial viability to support the implementation and sustainment of IIBA operational and strategic priorities
Consistently demonstrate the value of the organization to IIBA constituents